We provide Amazon Fba sourcing services, help to locate best suppliers, check product quality, label as Amazon standard, manage to ship. We arrange the entire process of importing from China for you!

  • We are China domestic company
  • Location in Shenzhen biggest electronic wholesale markets
  • Know better about China suppliers and factories
  • Low import risks
  • 5 years sourcing and exporter experience

One-stop Shipping Options from China to Dubai

Sourcing Best Products

We'll find and verify best qualified products with competitive price for you

Professional Support

Our sourcing specialist will help you handling all stuff from sourcing customized products to shipping

Production & Inspection

Ensure your products as your quality standard and delivery on time

Packaging & Label

Assist you to design branded Package, and made label as Amazon standard

Shipping To FBA

Keep your products in our warehouse and combine shipment to FBA

Amazon Photography

Help you make best Amazon Photography, includes white background, lifestyle etc.